Patient journey shows you the sequence of different treatments (or other predefined events such as diagnoses and procedures), the order in which the treatment is first used (line of treatment) and the time it takes to move between them. You can track the journey of patients across the market or from one drug to another.
You can view the Patient Journey report by the following report sub-types (dependent on subscription, region, dataset and indication):
- drugs
- diagnoses
- procedures
- regimens
How can this report be used?
With Patient Journey you can:
- Create an overview of the treatment pathway for an indication
- Explore the treatment pathway for patients before and after a selected drug, and the time it takes to move from one drug to another
- Identify which line of treatment your drug is used and what your market share is in that line of therapy
- Compare or confirm the patient treatment journey to market conditions (e.g. new listings, off patent, lines of therapy, change in indication or guidelines)
How is this report calculated?
The Patient Journey report summarises and visualises the sequences of different events, and the time between them. Given a list of items (e.g. drugs, diagnosis, procedures), the report finds the first time each patient had each of the items in the patient journey, and then measures the time between the first item and subsequent items.
The total number of patients for each item of each line is aggregated and presented in each node. When you select a journey path from a node, the numbers of patients who had other treatments at the next line are summarised in each link. The mean and median time between the two nodes is also presented by the number of months.

Note: Patient Journey does not take into account whether a patient switches from one drug to another multiple times within the time period, ceases treatment and re-initiates, or whether they are taking other medicines (unless co-medication is defined in a Patient Journey - regimens report focus).
What does this report show you?
You can view the treatment pathway for:
- your drug
- a competitor drug
- patient demographics – sex, age, location
- a particular procedure or test (dependent on region and available dataset)
- a particular diagnoses (dependent on region and available dataset)
- prescriber specialty (dependent on region and available dataset)
How can you modify the chart and data table?
Report filters
The filters above the chart (report filters) allow you to explore the patient journey by patient demographics and prescriber type (if available in your dataset). You can also adjust how the patient journey is presented by using the number of lines, focus item and had journey item filters.
Number of lines
Selecting the number of lines will display the sequence of items, represented as the number of columns in the chart (i.e. lines of treatment).

Focused item
You can define a specific patient journey you want to look at by selecting a specific drug or event in the focused item filter. This will show you patients initiated on the selected item and their journey before and after.
Only patients who first initiated the selected focused item within the defined initiation range will be represented in the journey. The sequence of the focused item selected is defined as line 0, the treatment before is line -1, the one is line 1, etc.
Selecting any in the focused item filter will show you the patient journey for the market. Patients who first had any of the items listed within the defined initiation range are included. The first item is line 1, the second item is line 2, etc.

Had journey item
The had item filter will filter the patient cohort by only including patients who have taken/had the selected item/s at some stage in the journey.
Display options
You can configure the view of your data in the chart and the data table:
If you have selected an item from the focused item filter, you can change the journey that is displayed in the chart by selecting the journey focus
- Journey to focus: What treatment/events the patient had before the selected item
- Journey from focus: What treatment/events the patient had after the selected item
- To and from focus: What treatment/events the patient had before and after the selected item.
- You can select to ‘show’ or ‘hide’ continuations, deaths and drop offs by selecting this above the chart.
You can change the display of data in the data table by selecting summary, full paths or transitions.
- Summary: A summary of the chart (without transitions between items). It shows the statistics (number and %of patients in each line, mean time from previous line to each line, number and % of continuing patients for each item, total number and % of patients for each item) for each line. For example, how many (or %) of patients took item A in line 1, line 2, etc.
- Full paths: Shows the total number of patients for each entire journey path
- Transitions: The transitions table is only visible when a node (i.e. journey point) is selected in the chart. It shows the journey to and from the selected node. The data table shows a breakdown of where patients have come from (table on the left) and the breakdown of where patients go afterwards (table on the right).